Winter is the time where we have less available in the produce department that is in season and therefore cost effective. Below is a list of what IS in season this time of year so you have a better idea of what to look for when you go to the store for fresh produce. Buying foods in season gives you the best quality and flavor. Produce that isn't grown locally is picked not fully ripened, to withstand shipping, and has not developed its full flavor.
I will also share links to recipes I find that I like using these veggies. You will find all the recipe links on my Recipe Index page.
Veggie Benefits
Artichokes Fiber, Vitamin C, Magnesium, copper, Potassium,
Avacados Vitamins A,C, and E, Potassium, Fiber, Iron
Bok Choy Vitamins C and A, Folate
Broccoli Vitamin C, Folate, Fiber, Calcium, Iron
Broccoli Rabe Vitamin C, Iron
Brussel Sprouts Vitamins C and A, Folate, Potassium
Cabbage Vitamins A and C
Cauliflower Vitamin C, Folate, Fiber
Celery Root Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron
Jerusalem Artichokes Iron, Thiamin, Potassium, Phosphorus, Copper,
Fiber, Vitamin C, Niacin
Kale Vitamins A and C, Calcium, Iron
Lettuce Vitamins A and C
Parsnips Vitamin C, Folate
Radishes Vitamin C
Rhubarb Fiber, Vitamin C
Rutabaga Vitamins C and A
Salisfy Fiber, Vitamins C and B-6, Riboflavin, Potassium
Snow Peas Vitamin C
Squash (hard varieties) Vitamins A and C, Potassium, Fiber, Folate, Thiamin
Potatoes Vitamins C and B-6, Fiber, Copper, Folate,
Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Niacin, Iron,
Calcium. Sweet Potatoes: also add Vitamin A
Turnips Vitamin C
Watercress Vitamins A and C
My mission is to help families who are struggling to keep food on thier tables by offering recipes, tips and other options that stretch the food budget and still provide healthy meals. I would like to also provide an opportunity for these families to make memories in the kitchen that both parents and child will cherish for the rest of their lives, as I do.
I would like to welcome you to my blog. Many people are struggling and deciding which expenses they can pay and which will have to wait. Many times there is little, if anything, left to buy food. I would like to offer these families some hope and knowledge on how to feed their families a healthy meal in these difficult times.
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